Back in the Fold
Hey there yall!
It's been too too long..
How wonderful it feels just to say hi.
I wanted to drop a quick note of howdy's- to let you know i am back in the stack, and to say that I have MISSED yall- in whatever capacity it is that we connect.
I am transitioning, slowly but surely, in the blue ridge mountains of North Carolina and enjoying the spaciousness of summer down here. The steady flow of memories that are swirling through after what was an incredibly charmed trip, to say the very least, renders me speechless. India was.... well, perhaps, i will tell you with a dance...
It was my deepest pleasure to chronicle this trip through dance and yoga- to be held within the parameters of, and to see from the vantage point of, the Fiddlehead Project. I am exited to share that with y'all. There are some teaser videos already up on the site-, but most of them will be popping up within the next couple of weeks (now that there is a strong wifi signal and temperatures under 115! wewww)- so keep yer eyeballs 'n ear holes peeled fer dat!
I'll also be sending a release notice when they've reached completion.
Or facebook will keep track of things as they are finished (so i hear..).
But until then... just a little plug so you can be workin' it out in your schedge:
I'd LOVE love love to see you out on the jaggedly gorgeous and gorgeously jagged coast of Big Sur. To explore ourselves through movement, meditation, connection to nature and to art. This is going to be an amaaazing trip and i'd love it if you could join me.
Yoga, Backpacking, and Hotsprings in Big Sur- Sept 12-16
For more information and to reserve your spot:
And if you find yourself without anything to do this weekend....
join me for the Telluride Yoga Festival!! A gem of gems in the mountains of Colorado. I can not tell you how eager i am to practice together once again!
I hope that wherever you are, you are enjoying yourself thoroughly in this here sunniest of seasons.
To those who supported this trip, i am grateful beyond belief. I am setting out to pay back the love- in whatever way i can. Wherever i can. Yay for supporting dreams. It's what makes this lil world go round and round! Thank you.
There are also plans to keep the fiddlehead unfurling.. you've helped to birth something that continues to grow and expand.. more on that later...
And to those whose path i crossed in India... bows and butterfly kisses- my heart will never forget you.
In LUV and deep affection to alllll,
t h e f i d d l e h e a d p r o j e c t . c o m