

coaching • life design

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Oceanic in breadth and depth, 

& simultaneously attuned to the itty-bitty minutiae of it all,

This work pulls from the best of life coaching, spiritual excavating, jazz, chess, crochet, mechanical work on an old-timey automobile, and star gazing on a brilliantly clear country night.

With one foot planted firmly in growth and truth, and the other standing strong in curiosity and mystery, we will feel/ learn/ intuit/ strategize where appropriate/ tumble at times/ fumble at others, toward a version of ourselves that is beyond our wildest imaginings.

When we want to show up in the biggest, boldest, most grounded-so-that-we-are-ready-to-move-mountains (or just become one) kinda way, Julia will hold space for you to integrate, shape-shift, respond and release, to and with your life as you know it- and perhaps with bits of yourself that you have not had the pleasure of meeting... just yet...


For coaching that is body based, nature informed, trauma aware, consciousness curious, and beauty bound, I’d be honored to support.

Packages of 3, 6, or 9 unless you’ve completed a retreat or program in which case a la carte and/ or seasonal attunement also available.

By zoom or by phone.

Email to reserve.