
~ holy days, solstice, gifts, and heartfilled ways

~M E R R Y H A P P Y H O L Y D A Y S~



I N S I D E : : :
Holiday Schedule
Solstice Gathering
Last-Minute Present Idea - at a Discount
New Year New You Retreat
A Song

Dear friends,

I can’t begin to express what i feel in my heart.. alongside all the feelings that are about as turbulent as a Coloradan sky (which is perhaps why i wanted to be under the influence of skies as kind as they are here in San Miguel), i am just so grateful- practicing with you all, getting an occasional note, or just knowing you are there, has been nothing short of a lifeline in times such as these. Thank you for showing up for yourself, for this community, and for me.

C L O S I N G S :

Holiday closings are as follows-
December 24- January 3
with the first class back being Monday morning Jan 3.

G A T H E R I N G :

We’ll be having another women’s event in observation of the solstice this year. Join myself, Margaret Selby, and Page Rossiter to attune to this most auspicious time through yoga, sisterhood, and ceremony. It is a powerful thing to dance with darkness and light and the places where they collide and divide.
Details and registration here.*

*If the investment feels out of your means financially, but the desire is there, please respond to this email to apply for scholarship.

G I F T I D E A :

If you are flummoxed as to what to give someone this year, here’s an idea for you- give the gift of Life Design and help support your loved one (or yourself) as well as small business :)

One of my favorite ways to blast into life (aside from rolling and squirming in and out of unforeseen shapes and geometric oddities), is to hold space for you and together, through what is relational and the spaces in between, align with what is here and now and what wants to be. Frankly, i think one of the most powerful ways to give our life a little lift is a handful of sessions working in this way.. I most often work with folks for 3 sessions and then create a seasonal follow-up. You could gift either one or all 3 of these, as you like.
**I am still honoring pandemic pricing, and for this holiday offering, you can purchase all three at sliding scale.
$50-125 sliding scale per session.
Reply to this email or sign up on my website.**

A few words from others about Life Design:

Honestly people- i had no idea Julia’s words and insight were as potent as her wildly creative poses! She helped me see things i couldn’t see alone, which led to all sorts of internal rearrangement and the next thing i knew, i was showing up for my life in a completely different way. A perfect mix of levity and depth allowed for a sense of holding that was beyond reproach. Do not pass go, do not collect… work with this woman!! You, and your insides, will be so glad you did.


I reached out for life coaching with a bit of hesitation, but with hope. I had been feeling "stuck," not fully understood in relationships, and frustrated with myself for quite some time. I suspected I needed another set of knowing eyes to help me gain a perspective I couldn't on my own. After the first session with Julia, I felt a distinct mental clarity in being able to name the particular areas of life that felt unmanageable and heavy-- creating that structure provided a framework for beginning to understand and approach those areas. Julia received my story and experience without judgment and asked questions that invited reflection and honesty. In each session I felt heard and seen. Leaving my initial three sessions, I have a renewed sense of grounding and faith in myself. Amongst other reminders, I feel I have been reminded by a loving someone that I have all the equipment I need to face life with grace and confidence, and that there is a place for who I am in the world.

~Bekah, Denver , CO

**Or you can always offer the gift of yoga and community. Again respond here with the amount of sessions you would like and at what price, and we will get you a beautifully designed e-voucher for your special recipient.

~A note to help you with pricing- we are offering sliding scale, because so many of us are struggling to get by and this is an important thing to do- to get present and care for this body and these bones.
Living Room Yoga classes are boutique style creative movement with a theme and historical relevance as well as freshly choreographed movement for each class that will take you to places you might not otherwise access.
You decide for you- what it is worth given all of the above mixed with what you can afford. We are aware that we live in an economically uneven system and we believe that anyone that wants to practice should be able to.

N E W Y E A R, N E W Y O U :

January 8-10

This mini-retreat will offer some time for silence, schematic new u design, yoga, meditation, community, and enjoyment of what is out as well as what is within. We are going to be exploring this time with intentionality and spaciousness and all the things that winter and renewal offer. A little different than the in-person version, but there is still so much connection and depth we can find with and for ourselves and one another. Over the course of 3 days, we will deepen and widen into what wants to be born to this life, to this coming year, and to this moment.

Friday evening- 5-7 pm
Saturday- 12-4.30pm
Sunday- 10am-12pm
(all times shown in MT)

Investment: $75-$150 sliding scale.*

If you can pay the full amount it ensures that others will be able to come at the scholarship level.
As always, please be in touch if there is financial hardship, and we will figure it out. (Really loving what barter and gift economy can bring!)

A N D A S O N G. F O R Y O U . . . . . . .

Thank you for you.
Sending so much warmth from so much girth of this ever-expanding heart..

Wishing you all happiness and ease in your holiday season..

Hugs ‘round the block!…

Love Julia

Julia Horn