

Dear friends and community,

This week on zoom:

3 classes, 1 meditation, a sharing of worlds of words, and sculpture meets yoga meets sculpted mind/body/breath

(see schedule and maybe see you in the mornin :))


This week in class we talked about the anniversary of Detroit’s 12th Street Riots and the “long hot summer of 1967”. The cause and effect that is our ever-unfolding history (both personal and collective) deserve our examination and our holding- that we might better show up for each new day- and the dawn of a better way.

Also in honor and deep respect of the soul that was and is John Lewis. The plight of a heart that is broken, abused, resilient, and expansive is one I wouldn’t wish upon anyone, yet one I admire, empathize with, and take inspiration from.
Thank you for being.

A song I’ve been lovin on is here.


For the tender hearted and bodied which is every last one of us, there is no better time to practice and to sit together in presencing and in practice of what is, what was, and what ever shall be. Come join me on your mat. I’d love to see you.

In deep care and respect,


Julia Horn