
The whisper will never find her echo


If you're free and feelin it, please join me this Sunday as we caste ourselves far and wide in ferocious fervor and magnificent exuberance- that we might be met, in this world, by more of the same~

Poetry in Motion- Sunday, Nov 29, 4-5:30pm
Downtown Austin, Tx (reply to this email for location/reservation)
$10-25 sliding scale

This yoga class is an exploration of the creative field- which, like nature, at its essence is a pulsation- that which reaches as infinitely inward as it does out... to ride, to harness, and to be overcome by all at the same time..
Together we will explore sitting at the helm of the muse and let her whimsical melody dictate our every breath- not to mention move.
Why not reach beyond our rational scope to claw at the amorphous morsel, the abstract stack, and take firmly in our hand the all and the empty?
And the many many many riches therein? ! ? . . .

And while we're on morsels, i wish you every blessing throughout this time of prandial ceremony and nutrimental comfort.

May ever it be, that your cornucopia overfloweth....

spill on friends... . . .

In great love and affection,


F O R M A Y O G A . C O M

Julia Horn