
Opening Enrollment for Thanksgiving Intensives

Greetings friends and fellow flowers,

For those that may be displaced or just want something different for their holiday week, we'll be having an intensive of wisdom practices in Marfa, Texas during the week of Thanksgiving (if you arent familiar with Marfa, i strongly urge you to check out this gem of a piece of earth and beauty unfolding).

More details to come but wanted to allow those of you to go ahead and sign up that have expressed interest because space is very limited. 15 participants only. Half price downpayment reserves your spot.
Reply to this email to make arrangements.

Cost: 1000-1500 sliding scale*

Included in the price- all classes and meals (vegan fare so as to highten our experience together). You are responsible for your own housing and transportation. Multiple recommendations within a stone's throw and according to your taste.

* A note about sliding scale-
Sliding scale is a combination of what the participant feels a service is worth, and what they can invest without stress according to their personal finances, all within the parameters of what is needed to facilitate the intensives. You decide.

Julia Horn