
Imagination and Relation~

Included inside: goodies for zooming, the castles built of imagination, sculpture garden yoga


Hello dear friends.

I am back from the woods and crawling into my writer’s lair but at the same time so looking forward to coming up for air to practice with y’all and sharing so many things- especially a little sprinkling of the deep woods that I encountered while up in the higher altitudes.

Being tucked away had me reflect a lot on the woods that I grew up in. Our house was smack dab in the middle without a neighbor in sight, and the backyard of seemingly endless wild Appalachian terrain was my home. Those woods, moist and diverse from antiquity lent themselves to a couple things… I remember quite distinctly the moment that I understood a level of the interconnection of it all- looking up at the frees through very young eyes, I seemed to pass through the portal of time and into unutterable spaces- or rather- all spaces.  The other thing that sprouted out of child and tree, was the creation of all sorts of wild worlds with well utilized imagination.  One of the worlds we inhabited could be entered by way of the swing that hung from an old oak in the backyard. At the crest of the 8th pendulum swing, if one jumped just then,  you would land in a whole ‘nother dimension replete with your animal of choosing to ride on top of and to usher you along on various adventures. (mine was a cheetah, of course… that is, on the days it wasn’t a pegasus). We would fight intergalactic battles, fly through layers of clouds and discover unknown lands while sailing the dragon-infested seas…
Another such world was created when I was 11- the Kingdom of Peace. We would canoe to the backside of a lake out on the Blue Ridge Parkway, in order to enter its parameters and immediately set about contemplating the myriad states of beauty while sitting in our stump thrones or taking off in rhododendron hot-air balloons. During the week in school, we would circulate a newsletter detailing the goings-on in the KOP- which can’t have been much, but nonetheless..

I am amazed at the incredible beauty created with the power of the imagination. A sense of play is soulfood- whether one is a child or adult. It can begin to swarm around perceived roadblocks or problems to bring about a better way. It can serve to drop us off at the gate of what is vaster. Vastest.
Of course, that same imagination would become my worst enemy years later on a soul- crushing plummet to the bowels of Hades during a 2 year plus episode of the dark night.. but that’s another story for another day. Point being- these worlds- these creations- concepts and even words… they all create alternate realities for us all. Or ratter, realities that are real to our story and our history. So to come to another fully is to understand the diverging trails that have wound all the way through from the beginning of time.. all the way up to the imagined existence of a body itself. But both are here- our division and our connection.

Sitting in the storyless quiet of the woods, I could also see into that space that is woven into and around us all- the presence of the bound and wound aspen roots underfoot, quietly reminding me every step of the way.

Eldorado~Yoga & Sculpture

It is little wonder that I have landed in a fairytale here in Colorado.  For those that haven’t been to Eldorado Springs Art Center, it is a magical place, bedecked with flying pigs, a cackling Einstein, a boat on legs and all sorts of feats and feasts for the imagination. Nestled in the womb of a canyon- the negative space created from earth experiencing its own moment of divergence, and yet all the beauty and life emerging… it reminds us that life is all of the spaces. All of the things.

One of the things I am most moved by at ESAC, is how it attracts such a wide array of culture and a place where people can be in relationship not only to the land and to art, but to one another. The first time I stumbled into the gallery, it was a bit of a relief to feel so many cultures and creatures represented. At a time when it is important to support each other- with our learning and our pledges, I can’t help but feel that one of the most important things might be to seek out the places where we can be in greater relationship- across a wider swath of diversity- culturally, economically, age, all of it. As Brene Brown speaks it- “People are hard to hate close up. Move in.” ESAC is a place that fosters friendship and global family.. not to mention a place that plucks the strings of imagination like a child at play.

In an effort to continue the vision that has naturally unfolded at the guidance of Giuseppe Palumbo and the other artists on the premises, we will start having a live and zoomed Sunday evening restorative/yin class right after story hour:

Tune in or come at 5pm to share or listen to inspired written word, and/or join us at 6.15pm for a restful class alongside art and friends.

Please bring your own props and matt and come pre-peed as best you can- we will have an emergency facility but if you can arrange to take care of such things, it is much appreciated :)
RSVP is not imperative, but helpful so we can make ensure that all have a comfortable distance- email
Sliding scale donations accepted at Venmo- juliahorn, or PayPal-


Classes this week and for the next 2 wks (check schedule on my website) will accommodate this writing piece i’m working on, so there will be one of each of - the led Meditation, Creative Vinyasa and Restoration/Yin. As always, i’ll stay on after for anyone that wants to, for questions, shares, and the like.

*Y’all know I love some musica- i’m going to be posting a playlist for you once a month.. some of you have expressed liking the silence and some of you enjoy a little music for your vinyasa, and so, you will have the option of playing on a different device, should you choose, customizing volume, etc, to your liking.

I also have a sound upgrade and will be bringing that in soon.

**A thought about classing…. All 3 of these forms of yoga are complementary of each other. I am amazed at how a more contemplative, slow-as-snails pace can linger into and enhance my more vigorous, strengthening practices and vice-versa. And the meditation- always an enhancement to practice and to life. I invite you, if you are so inclined, to reach in to a form you may not typically be drawn to and just see what comes.

I came down from the hills with loads of inspiration but please keep letting me know what you need and any feedback you may have- I love hearing from you~

Y’all take good care and I look forward to practicing with you real soon.


Love, Julia

Julia Horn