: : : The Queen of Inner~ plus a circle and a story drop ~
The Beauty..
… That is the Mexican Mural
( … Part 2 will tell you why & wherefore the Q of I )
It has been hard for me to begin to formulate thoughts much less coherent sentences these days. Somehow today, things started to come together. I will divide them in half to give you- and me- a little breather.
If there is one positive to global catastrophe, it would be the connections that come. I have been so grateful to have had genuine connection with my women friends all over the globe (and a handful of beautiful fellas) this last month as we have come together to support each other (a privilege I do not take for granted- more on that later).
If there were a second, it would be that hopefully, underneath it all and as a result of what fails miserably and beyond the shadow of any doubt as NOT the way forward, we might be able to birth something new out of the ember that burns under all the rubble and as an expression of heart and truth. She has not (and can not) be extinguished.
Sitting in circles of women for over two decades has sensitized me to the extent that I feel it as a rattle in my bones when there is a battle cry for freedom or love from any of my sisters across the globe (especially for those that don’t have a voice). Sitting with an abuela here the other day, she turned to me and asked why they are killing the children in the Middle East and the US. I didn’t have an answer for her, but we both felt the deep sorrow of it and shed tears together. Looking at videos of the Israeli women hostages pleading for cease-fire, Palestinian women losing their children left, right and center, and seeing the thousands upon thousands of people protesting the violence and killing as a way forward, I am reminded that the majority also do not understand why we act as we do.
There is deep incongruence. And that’s just one example. This can be disheartening at times, but can also be a sign that something else is growing… another way…..
It is worth investigating what that might be, AND I will continue to remind us that we are at a triaging moment- innocent people are dying this very second and so it is important to show up and to use our voices and our bodies for all that is good.
There were many years that my spiritual practice was a way of escaping the real shadow both of myself and my world. It has been the work of a lifetime- sometimes by choice, others kicking and screaming in resistance- that I have come to squarely look this shadow in the face, and start to integrate, absorb, or give back to the earth for recycling, that which is far too big (or dark) for me to handle. This is an art form that takes me to my knees. We all have our capacity, but if yours is one that allows you to look at some of this darkness and be a fierce warrior lover, well, bless you and let’s GO! Everyone’s voice/ gift/ action oriented around their true nature is the army of love that we need, whatever that may be. Finding it and healing all the parts that have taken us away from True Nature is the work we will return to time and again.
Weaving nature into our bodies, remembering who and what we are by way of somatic, psychological, energetic and contemplative practice is our foundation.
2 things I want to offer you and your process today-
We have 2 spots remaining for the 3 day retreat outside of Boulder the first week of December.
Strategically placed between 2 holidays, this is a time to circle with women in deepening practices that give us the nourishment we need to return to our spheres, both immediate and large, so that we can show up rested, restored and with hearts full of love. The need for time to go deep so that we can show up these days is ever greater and greater. Yoga, mediation, sisterhood, and gifts of and from this earth… we’d love to have you there. Reply to this email to reserve your spot and read more below.
Storytime drip drop!
A new one for you.. this one is about birth into a life onto a planet with gravity. I hope you enjoy. As ever, please let me know what lands and thoughts/ feelings that arise.
I thought we could all use a story that highlights birth right now.