
: : gypsy ‘round with me sil vous plait~

Hello friends~

We are about to set sail into the great wide open and I am feeling enlivened at the prospect. It has been some time since I have been in Europe and I am eager to palpate, once again, a certain wisdom that comes only with age. The retreat we are engaging is in a small medieval town south of Paris and is beyond sold-out. We sold out all the rooms and so have stashed someone in the piggeonnier (tower for pigeons), and the last participant to join is shacking up with the retreat coordinator (I think she’s ok with it ;)). Clearly we are all craving some beauty, joy, grounding, and adventure. It has been a true pleasure doing business with you Kate Kilbourne and i’m looking forward to diving in with this dynamic group of exceptional individuals.

Amendments to Classes:

Given the travel, zoom class schedules will be altered a bit for the coming month. It is my intention to keep those going for you all, in some form or another, for as long as I can. It is a wonderful way to connect with our friends from all over, it is low carbon footprint, and literally takes one hour of your day (no commute time) to have your bodymindbones feelin stellar easy-peas, which… dunno if y’all noticed but it’s bonkers out there! Take care- so important to take sweet care of you. 

** This week- no class on Wednesday 
(Mon and Thurs (from Philly) are as usual).
*** The following week- only Wednesday 5/25 @ 9.30am MT (from France!)

Join Me all Over!

From this point forward, and for the next couple months, I will be sending out a note a few days prior for the classes that lie ahead. We’ll be tuning in from Philadelphia, France, Spain, Switzerland, NY, NC and I would loooovve, so so love, to see you from the road and share in the practice!

—->*** if all else fails check the calendar page of website- we’ll be updating as things arise***

L of L:

Also, please make use of the Library of Life while schedules are different! It is there for you to grab a class whenever and wherever. 

If you are one whose life circumstance appreciates the lower end of the sliding scale, then let us know- we will get you set up. 
Everyone should have an opportunity to feel good in their bones.

A Poem:

My dear friend sent me this one a couple weeks ago. I really took it in and then turned to see it in so many of you.. please enjoy...

I see you, soulful one. 

‘I’m just holding space,’ you say. 
As if you are not really ‘doing’ anything. 

I see you, touching the shame,
the pain, the fear.
Digging the foundations of your loving presence
deeper and wider. 

I see you, willing to hold the world in your hands,
not looking away from the darkness,
not pretending to understand. 

I see you, stretching beyond easy answers,
the mind-shutting rights and wrongs.

I see you, transformation leader. 

I see you stumbling on shaky legs
after uprooting the old ways.
Fumbling through the unknown 
to find a truer home. 

I see your soul surfacing, 
sharing its tender wisdom 
in the space you’ve washed clear 
with your own tears. 

I see your devotion to your own unfolding. 
The years of practice
so you can just hold space 

as a ballerina just dances,
as a soprano just sings,
as a maestro just plays. 

I see you, embracing it all
so you can just hold space
for love. 

I see you, deep digger.

And for Sheer Pleasure:

Flippin YEAH!

Sending bushels of love to you all,

Gypsy J.

Julia Horn