
Some words on post pandemonium & Mx City M a s t e r M i n d

Mexico City Master(Heart)Mind(Soul

Drenching our Souls in the Real Feminine Mystique

~ embodiment practices, art, literature, culture, and sisterhood

~ May 16- 21st

Beautiful People~

As many of you know I have been reluctant to get back into the groove with retreating. We turned down 5 retreats abroad last year and here is why. During the pandemic the way that the earth bounced back in terms of pollution and animal activity was astounding. If I am really to stand behind the things I have advocated for in the past, it was all a cause for pause. It felt suddenly really difficult to ask a bunch of people to get on an airplane all of a sudden and fly across the globe with a regularity.
Like the rest of us, I am a walking contradiction. I won’t hesitate to go see my niece on the east coast if there’s an opportunity, and I am guilty of making a single trip for a single cookie when I have a craving (peppermint chocolate- holy crap it’s good) at Natty G’s in my car. But a large group flying a great distance over and over, felt like a lot.

After thinking about this a TON, I am feeling that the occasional, well thought out trip that is an equal exchange and really opens up everyone’s world, would be an enhancing experience for all. This world is wild, and in addition to taking care of our one-and-only planet earth, it is evident that we also need to find ways to learn and renew and really appreciate each other in our differences of culture, humanity, and expression.
Stay tuned for more on that as we organize something special for you come December ;)

In addition to that, i’ll host an occasional, closer to home, tuck-it-away for m’ladies, and we’ve got one of those right around the corner. If you are craving a pause and an opportunity to dive deep into yourself and into some serious beauty for serious rejuvenation, I hope you’ll join us:

~ This will be a very intimate deepdive of equal parts depth, joy, and inspiration/ beauty. For your busy world, it is time to tuck it away and soak up the beauty that comes from art and culture as well as really seeing and being seen as a woman in the world. Refreshed, inspired aliveness that comes from detoxing old ways, thoughts, and patterns and filling them with universal beauty, is what we are after.
Fresh meals prepared by a personal chef will have you feeling light and give the cellular reset your body craves. Yoga practices and meditation will start to dislodge what's been an impairment and give access to more heart and soul.

Laughter, joy, adventure, and the affirmation that comes from circling with women is a power beyond words.

What is included:

- 5 nights in a colorful luxurious penthouse apartment overlooking the city
- 5 days of antiinflammatory organic meals provided for you by a personal chef
- a couple meals out on the town
- 2 practices a day to take you deep in the body
- group work that helps you remember your soul's deepest desire and joy as well as body work that gives time to integrate what may be in the way of experiencing that
- several expeditions out into town to bathe in one of the worlds most potent meccas of art and culture
- teaching on the divine feminine in a city that is held in the hands of the likes of the Virgen de Guadalupe and Frida Kahlo and many others
- guaranteed spontaneous dance party and a whole lottalotta laughter
- being a small group in this mastermind style fosters the ability to go deep both in your personal practice and in building lasting nourishing relationships with our rambler friends

Not included:

Your flight
Massage (we have arranged for someone to come to the home)

** This is an intimate slumber party retreat and you will be sharing a bed with someone so please bring your buddy and/or make sure it feels good for you to be matched with someone.

*** Space is very limited so let us know pronto, we’ll get you timing and location, book your flight and let’s go ~


Queen bed option- 3100
King bed- 3300

You deserve a pause.

Deepen your practice, deepen you life~


Julia Horn